Tag Archives: Feminism

A Note on Pretendbians

Pretendbians was a blog created in direct response to the rape culture concept of the Cotton Ceiling. The Cotton Ceiling – developed by transsexual porn star Drew Deveaux – posits that Lesbians are bigots for not consider transwomen as sexual partners.

This is rape culture. It is disgusting and abusive. It is a weapon used against lesbians to shame us for our sexuality. Transgender Advocates are pushing rape culture when they support the Cotton Ceiling as a discussion. BTW, they continue to do so.

The blog had been inactive for some time because I was pretty sure the point had been made. Indeed, even creeps like Savannah Garmon had backed off of the Cotton Ceiling. Accordingly, I moved the blog to a non-Wordpress server for herstory. I am a busy person, and as Morrissey said, this joke isn’t funny any more.

Transwomen, apparently not content to leave well enough alone, launched a DDOS attack against the blog and its server, knocking it offline. Transgender women then claimed that WordPress suspended the blog.

That was a lie. This blog was not on WordPress at the time of the attack. It is now, however.

It is likely that Anonymous launched the DDOS attack, as apparently they warned they were going to “get me.” Yey boys. What a victory.

Or maybe it was one of these people. Who cares? All I know is that it was some creepy dude who thinks lesbians should never say “I can see your dick.”


You give respect, you get it. You give disrespect, you get disrespect. It’s all up to you.

– the management

We aren't 18 year old boys, sir.

We aren’t 18 year old boys, sir.

Obsessive Heterosexual Harasses Lesbian Activist

Aaminah Khan, who goes by @jaythenerdkid, describes herself as a “Muslim bipolar bisexual hard-femme intersectionalist geek girl genius.”

obsessive heterosexual

She  “Loves: PJ (boyfriend) … (the fatherland) & girl stuff.”

She is one of thousands of heterosexual women who have become enamored of porn sick Queer culture and who harass lesbians on social media and in reality. Continue reading

The goal of “trans” whacktivists is to ERASE “woman” from reality

The goal of “trans” whacktivists is to ERASE “woman” from reality

I found this utterly disgusting quote on the anti-feminist blog “fword”:

“Feminists more than anybody else should know that being a woman is not about socially constructed gender roles. And it’s not about a uterus or menstruation or even the absence of a Y chromosome, because plenty of women don’t have a uterus, don’t menstruate, and some women do have a Y chromosome (XXY is just one of the many configurations possible.) If ‘woman’ can (or should) be defined, it is by subconscious gender, that part of your id which knows who you are and would still know if you were a brain in a jar. That can’t be policed. Whether or not it would be desirable, reasonable or legal to try to exclude trans women, it’s not possible. Or at least, not without looking very much like the same patriarchy that I thought we were overthrowing.”

Think about it, carefully: “If ‘woman’ can (or should) be defined, it is by subconscious gender, that part of your id which knows who you are and would still know if you were a brain in a jar.”

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TERF War is a game about feminist fear and hatred of trans women.

Since the 1970s, certain branches of feminism have decried the existence of trans people and painted trans women specifically as infiltrators working on behalf of the patriarchy to destroy women’s spaces. (“TERF” stands for trans-exclusionary radical feminist.) These views treat trans women as less than “real” women and rely on an oddly essentialist understanding of gender (contrary to many other strands of feminism) that holds that gender assignment at birth dictates the “truth” of gender. Self-described radical feminists like Cathy Brennan have dedicated considerable amounts of time and energy to attacking and outing trans women, describing some as “pretendbians” (that is, pretend lesbians) and publicizing their old names and identities in a deliberate attempt to disrupt and endanger their lives. Brennan once went so far as to write to the UN to argue that legal protections for gender identity and gender expression would directly harm cisgender women.

[HOW DARE I WRITE A LETTER????????????????]

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How To Think Like A Radical Feminst – TRANS STYLE

Said in a very laydee like voice whist sipping herbal tea and wearing a modest dress.

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Magic Poppy Says: Again, there is no such thing as cis privilege, and female reality matters

What misogynist bullshit to suggest that we should feel guilty for having been born female.  As if we’re not made to feel uncomfortable because of it every day!

After spending several months reading trans activists in an attempt to understand exactly what they want from us, I’ve figured some of it out.  These observations don’t describe all trans women, merely the ones who drive the pomo/queer studies-influenced transgender activism that dominates the public discourse on this issue.

Trans women activists write with the assumption that the gender-identity based discrimination they face cannot be addressed without erasing sex-based oppression of females.  This is completely untrue, as both concerns can be addressed congruently.  The question is why trans women take this extreme stance.

Part of it is that they can’t be regarded as female in the sense that biological females are unless female as a sex class ceases to exist.  It’s not good enough for them to be considered women, they’ve got to be seen as female in every sense that biological females are.  Trans women are deeply threatened by females discussing their physical realities that trans women don’t share.  They want us to shut up about everything that doesn’t involve them.

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So, If You React to Feminists Like You are “Mentally Ill,” Are We Supposed to Ignore that? Just Checking.

Do you really expect civil discourse after attacking trans women so viciously? How do you expect us to react we you call us mentally ill?

Gender Identity Disorder is very much a mental illness. It causes people to:

— hate their own bodies up to and including a strong urge to cut off perfectly normal, perfectly healthy body parts, take dangerous hormones, etc.;

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What Triggers Rose Verbena?

What triggers Rose Verbena? Glad you asked:

1) Males demanding (under threat of violence) that I call them “she”, “her”, “woman” or “female”;

2) Enablers of males who demand (under threat of violence) that I refer to males as “she”, “her”, “woman” or “female”;

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RadFeminist Scorpion and Its Anti-Lesbian Agenda

GenderTrender recently highlighted RadFeminist Scorpion and its promotion of anti-lesbianism, most recently through lesbian FanBoy Tobi Hill Meyer!

But who are the “trans women” who routinely make shit up all day to oppress lesbians? (Like this nugget, where a demented “trans woman” named Raven – a heterosexual male in a relationship with a female – claims that I don’t care about rape). Let’s meet one!

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Trans Tactics & Mary Daly

From Mary Daly’s Gyn/Ecology (1991 ed.) p.8

A-mazing Amazons must be aware of the male methods of mystification. Elsewhere I have discussed four methods which are essential to the games of the fathers. First, there is erasure of women. (The massacre of millions of women as witches is erased in patriarchal scholarship.) Second, there isreversal. (Adam gives birth to Eve, Zeus to Athena, in patriarchal myth.) Third, there is false polarization. (Male-defined “feminism” is set up against male-defined “sexism” in the patriarchal media.) Fourth, there is divide and conquer. (Token women are trained to kill off feminists in patriarchal professions.)

The trans cult are doing all these things.

1. Erasure: Women’s studies professor, Joelle Ruby Ryan, says the word “female” is outdated and offensive; women are shamed by accusations of ‘transphobia’ and ‘cissexism’ merely for talking about issues pertaining to females such as birth control and reproductive functionality.

2. Reversal: M2T trans call their penises “giant clits”; M2T trans insist that they are women and demand access to female spaces.

3. False polarization: Trans feminism is male-defined feminism. Trans women are male. Cissexism and transphobia are male-defined constructions.

4. Divide and conquer: Females are actively organising with male bodied trans people to shut down spaces created by and for females.


Thanks for the Shout Out, Monica Maldonado!

From Ms. Magazine, which cannot be bothered to talk to radical feminists any more.

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How an actual conversation between radfems and trans-cultists goes

  • Radical Feminist: I believe all women should have a right to choose whether they should have an abortion or not. Abortion is a female issue. Continue reading

Same sex, different day

Same sex, different day

I think it’s ironic that so many “radscum” started out being very sympathetic to “trans women” — oftentimes for decades — before “trans women” themselves so viciously transgressed our boundaries, so abusively dismissed our concerns as women, that we were forced to see them for what they (as a group) actually are: entrenched male haters of women.

As a person who was best friends with a couple of gay transvestites down the hall in college, as a person who TOOK A BEATING and ended up in the ER when doing her best to stop a gay-bashing in progress against a small, delicate gay man, as a person who firmly believes that people should be able to be themselves regardless of cultural norms — as long as they’re not actually hurting others — it took a lot of abuse to open my eyes to the abject hatred some (most?) “trans women” have for natal women.

Now I recognize “trans feminism” for what it is: one more way for men to appropriate, re-direct and abuse women’s energy and power — towards their own ends, of course.

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How Trans Women Can Be Good Allies to Females

Anonymous asked: Hi. Can you tell me what the perfect trans ally for feminism would look like? Or is there one. If we said “Yes, we are male sexed” but also women, would we be accepted as sisters? Can you describe your vision of an alliance between transgender persons and feminism? If we said “Yes. There are differences between us and cis women” would that be enough?

I can tell you how my trans friends who are allies help females.

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The trans cult fails Feminism 101

The trans cult fails Feminism 101

lezzbfriends: The only reason a lot of cis people think being called a “cis person” is bad, or harmful or wrong is because they are used to the privilege of just being seen as a “person” or even a “normal person” without their sex or gender or gender identity being an issue for them. You see, when you call them “cis” suddenly they are not just a person, but now they have to think about a gender identity. Suddenly they are no better than a Trans* person. And that scares the shit out of them.

magicpoppy: Under patriarchy, females are not considered “normal persons.”  The male body is considered to be the default human body.  No female bodied person, regardless of her race or class, has this privilege.  “Gender identity” is an issue for females because females never chose the feminine gender role.  The feminine gender role was invented by and most importantly is enforced by males.  It is not a privilege because it has never been voluntary for females, despite the fact that many trans women seek to leap into that feminine gender box.  We’ve spent our whole lives there.  Trans women don’t get to tell us that it’s a privilege to live in that box because it looks wonderful to them from the other sex.

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